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Keynote and Tutorial videos from the 6th ESWC Summer School 2016 are now available to watch

Introduction to the Semantic Web – Elena Simperl

View all Video Lectures from ESWC Summer School 2016 2015 2014 supperⅤPN 破解版下载 2012

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The topics of the summer school are aligned with the most prominent and emerging topics of the ESWC conference and the broader area of knowledge and data technologies that spans across a number of research areas, from knowledge representation and Linked Data to machine learning and big data.

This year’s motto will be ‘The rise of the data scientist’ – the school will feature a mixture of invited talks and tutorials on several aspects of data science, including statistics, exploratory data analysis, data publishing and interlinking, machine learning, and data visualization as well as group projects, in which the participants will have the chance to apply what they have learned by developing their own data science research ideas and demos as part of a team.

We will create opportunities for attendees to network with their peers, the school tutors, and keynotes as well as senior members of STI International and the research community who are participating in associated events.

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Recent press have highlighted the value of Open Educational Resources (OERs) within Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs). The summer school will make extensive use of OERs from the Euclid, PlanetData, and European Data Science Academy EU projects allowing participants to:

  • View materials related to the technical part of the summer school as high quality eBooks (available on eBook readers, on iPads, Kindle) in Web form (see ‘Learning Materials’ menu item).
  • View the technical presentations as webinars (see ‘Learning Materials’ menu item).
  • Provide feedback on all materials to the course authors and Summer School tutors for the benefit of both educators and learners.

The summer school is open to anyone studying in a computing-related post-graduate course or is at an early stage of a relevant career in industry or academia. Places will be limited to 50 in order to ensure that all participating students receive quality time with their tutors. Accepted students will be obliged to attend the whole week.

The ESWC summer school is supported by a number of European projects including CARRE, EDSA, WDAqua and also videolectures.net.